Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today was ______
Anyhow, Amy ajak masuk masak thing yang KH tu. Agreed at first, then i changed my mind. Why? I realized, why the hell would i join something when i have no time at all to study. But then again, bende tu pagi. But still tah cam taknak penatkan diri.

No regrets. Rugi sikit la sebab bende tu cam fun tapi tah.
Tadi dalam kelas ade Syahirah, Farid, Hafiz, Hafiz, Qalil dengan i je
Usually im one of the people yang tak masuk kelas hahahaha

Tadi tangkap gamba for Hijau, Boling P, Bahasa Budaya tu je kot. Tak pegi Bola Baling
Oh plus, Pn Nurhana cakap kawad nanti pakai kasut kilat. Hell Yeah! Tapi sape nak bayar? haha

Oh plus, budak 3 Edison buat sketch, 'Charcoal Black' haha mhm "Snow White"

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