Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Results :

BM, 86 (?)
AG, 80
PHY, 63
M3, 70

Tunggu lah i fail Chem and Bio andddddd Add Math haha

Today was fun fun fun. The weather was great, but sometimes cam terlebih sejuk haha
Farisha bagitau yang die same tinggi dengan Fergie, i same dengan Megan Fox ( :D ) and Olsen Twins are shorter than her. Farisha's Fergie, Hafeez's Will.I.Am, Hafiz I's Taboo and Hafiz R's Apl (!) According to CLICK, i have the same height as Paris Hilton kauuuuu haha

During rehat, everyone went to surau including me and Aimi. Since we didnt bring our tudung, we stood outside. Kenal Aimi? Yeah, minah yang tak boleh duduk diam tu. So kitorang duduk luar 'macam monyet', Dina. After rehat, Li May, Dina, Nadia and i talked about marriage, honeymoon, first car, first night etc. Semua kawin nak baju putih haha. I cakap la pasal Maya Karin kawin dekat Italy, Li May dengar Mariah Carey hahaha. Oh and honeymoon i nak pegi TAHITI! hahaha or Italy hahaha.

Then balik, cepat gile sekolah habis. Dydy cakap i sombong :( hahaha It's been months since we last hung out siot. I should have hug u instead of molesting u tadi hahaha I should hug everybody. Walked to Farisha's house. Played Sims3, took me half and hour to create one sim haha. Then we slept. Then i balik rumah, tido lagi. Bangun buka

Watched wrestling tadi, DAMN haha

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