Monday, February 15, 2010

13 February

Went to OU with Aimi. Watched Percy Jackson
The movie was hilarious! Ingatkan cite serious nak mati
Plus, Logan's cute :p

Kitorang beli fish and chip
Two 1901 hotdogs and one mash potato
Pastu share coke

Kitorang g kedai dulu before movie
Pegi Cotton On and saw Sarah
DAMN, ramai gile babs
Pastu masuk kedai lagi bla bla haha

That night, my family and i minus abang
went to have dinner dekat Ole Ole Bali, Soho KL
The place is beautiful! But sadly, camera tertinggal!
Sayang gile!

14 February 

Went to OU with Dydy Farisha Nad to celebrate
Athirah's belated birthday
Pegi Cotton On and bought a stripe dress
The day before ade L je :)
Athirah beli leggings, cardi, and headband

Jumjpe Nad Dy and Gia pastu gerak GSC
Ramai gile. Thankfully, kitorang takyah beratur
Thank god for Dy and Nad, kitorang mintak tolong
orang dalam belikan :)

Valentine's Day was okay, abit cliche for my taste
Trying to hard to make it romantic
Esp the lame quotes and lame camera angle haha
But it did made me cry haha kudos

Ate at Delicious
I tried to request a birthday song tapi mamat tu kate tak boleh
WTH last time boleh je, maybe sebab ramai? haha wtv

We decided to watch another movie, yup!
We watched Percy Jakson, AGAIN! hahahaha
Pastu balikkkkk, haih rase nak demam

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