Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm not a good secret-keeper. The thing is, i have to many secrets to keep, i cant handle the pressure. So i tell the less important secrets to others. Because there's too many secrets in my head i just need to get rid of a few. That's why
Leaving for Hat Yai tomorrow! I miss Thailand!
So exited. 'Doakan perjalanan kami pergi dan balik' haha Dayana, seriously
and and selsema babi. Ya Allah janganlah ade yang sembur dekat kitorang. Kuatkanlah diri kami


I miss myspace hahahaha oh and tadi jahit bow. Siap dah :p

Friday, May 29, 2009


Dengar Zee Avi

Semalam I call you, you tak answer.
You kata you keluar pergi dinner.
You kata you keluar dengan kawan you.
But when I called Tommy he said it wasn't true.

So I drove my car pergi Damansara.
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola.
Tapi bila I sampai you, you tak ada.
Lagilah I jadi gila.

So I called and called sampai you answer.
You kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar.
My phone was on silent, I was at the gym.
Tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain.

Sudahlah sayang, I don't believe you.
I've always known your words were never true.
Why am I with you, I pun tak tahu.
No wonderlah my friends pun tak suka you.

So I guess that's the end of our story.
Akhir kata she accepted his apology.
Tapi last last kita dapat tahu she was cheating too.
With her ex boyfriend's best friend - Tommy
Nak tukar layout
Exam's oveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer :D
It's a huge relief since i've been waking up after 12 to study. Eyebags makin, besar?
Orang cakap i ade eyebag, which is true and Amy said it's cool to have eyebags, sebab nampak cam busy ke ape tah die cakap haha :)

About my shoes. I was willing and prepared to wait until friday but it arrived early so happy gile gile gile gile gile. Funny thing is, my sister was pointing at the parcel while talking on the phone, i thought she was pointing at the mess i made so i told her, 'nanti yahi bersihkan'. She did not say anything about my shoes. She pointed again, and i saw a box with Kookything stamps all over it haha Menjerit gile babi sebab i've been wanting this shoes since awal tahun eh? haha such a steal sebab i bought it for 80bucks and ade one shop jual 150RM ngahaaa :D

Oh yesterday, my siblings and i watched Monster vs Alien 3D! haha Jakun gile. Tapi tak ramai tengok la. The movie was, okaaaaaaaaay. Bob je best haha and i bought a purple nail polish haha

Hmm, about exam. I did, %$#$@ TERRIBLE
Physics i dah aim 40+ hahaha sebab paper 2 serious tak boleh buaaat :p

I MADE my own studded waist belt
Jimat 40RM hahaha :p
nanti ade mood i post gamba haha
I don't like people who purposely carik masalah so that die ade 'drama'
You know what im saying?
Naaaah haha

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


PD was fun! Sampai sane malam. We went to the pekan untuk beli makanan. I found the snack i used to eat dulu, KINOS JAGUNG STIK PERISA SATAY! haha and keropok durian tu. Terflashed-back zaman dulu haha and i bought a mug :p

The next day, pagi pagi pegi beach! Beach die dah biru dulu hijau haha cantik. Main wave and shells. Air masin! haha Lame tak pegi beach. Balik rumah mandi tengok dah hitam gile kelabu okay. Pegi breakfast around 3PM where we saw two/three pondans, im not sure if the other person is a girl haha lepas tu pegi saloon. Buat treatment 45RM je haha Lepas tu pegi this kedai yang jual barang kawin yang macam Dina cakap dekat Nilai tu. I LOVE THAT SHOP! SO CHEAP! I bought twelve zippers for 3RM, if im not mistaken, four metrs of elastic band untuk buat belt, murah gile gile tak ingat berapa. Beli benang untuk felt. Beli gunting benang. Beli manik. My mom beli bunga. Yada yada habis RM 70 + haha lepas tu pegi makan cendol. Lepas makan cendol pegi kedai kain. Beli kain perca 2RM hahaha Malam tu tangkap tangkap gambar sunset. Lepas tu makan dekat kedai Siam ni, habis 100RM woooo Damansara 4oRM je haha lepas tu pegi night market. Beli kaftan, layang layang and my brother bought bende alah Final Fantasy ni haha

On the next day, pagi pagi i dengan my mom je dah bangun so pegi beli newspaper and makan roti canai. Orang jual paper cakap kedai cendol yang mum nak bawak pegi situ tu bukak harini. Kedai cendol yang die pegi since puluh puluh tahun dulu. Lepas makan balik lepas tu keluar balik. Pegi makan Pizza Hut borak borak then jalan dekat manetah haha Dekat tepi jalan ni ade gerai jual bantal 'kekabu asli' haha bantal yang orang pakai dulu dulu la. Beli merah and bandal kecik satu rainbow haha nak masuk dalam kereta dah tak muat dah haha lepas tu balik :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

and Ila has two jelly gladiators haha

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm now very exited as i forget everything about upcoming exam :p

Tadi around 1130 AM pegi rumah Farisha study Bio. Kawad at 2PM
Panas gile. Tapi semua buat lawak best haha
Mase nak habis tu semua discussed pasal baju for Melaka nanti

Around 745Pm pegi OU dengan Amyyy. Pegi Outpost dulu, size 6 je ade. So terpaksa la beli. Then we head off to Watson, i beli panadol. Lepas tu pegi Presents 4 Them carik charger phone tapi takde. Die kate ade dekat InQBox. So pegi sana beli bende tu. FINALLY haha

Lepas tu pegi F21. We tried on one dress each. I tried on a black dress almost macam drape Amy tried on a very sexy purple dress haha nanti post gamba :p
Best gileeee. Pastu makan dekat Just Thai sampai pukul 10PM
Lepas tu balik. I had fun Amy. Let's do it more often :p

Sekarang pukul 2AM. Esok kene bangun awal. Tapi baju cam taktau lagi nak bawak ape. Plus baju kurung pun taktau nak bawak yang mane. Sume cam baju raya haha Memang baju raya pun haha

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sekarang nak keluar pun rase guilty kan?

Part 1

This morning ade appointment tau. Sepatutnya 9AM tapi i misplaced my retainer.
I told my mom, sebab kalau tak nanti i tercarik carik tak bagitau nak ape lagi die marah. Die maraaaaaaah. Marah gile gile gile. Memang kene lecture habis. I felt like crying the whole time sebab my mom suruh carik sampai dapat. Headache gile. I tried to remember exactly what i did and where it could be. Sampai tertulis tulis. Kene marah die whole time. I have a feeling yang my retainer container accidentally droped into the dustbin. I was right! Mane sampah? Dekat luar okay! I had to selongkar tong sampah. At first dah try carik tapi tak jumpe. Second time baru perasan ade one plastci bag tak check. JUMPE! Alhamdullilah!

The whole time i kept thinking, 'WHY GOD?!'. Every single day ade je 'ujian', seriously. Lagi lagi nak exam lagi lah banyak benda tak kena. I know tadi tu memang ujian gile lah sampai penat sangat i want it to stop immediately. Nasib baik jumpe. Imagine hilang. Kene bunuh dengan doctor. Pukul 12 baru pegi jumpe doctor. Imagine berapa jam carik!

Part 2

Pegi makan KFC dekat Pasar Seni/Central Market. Ade sorang minah ni. Cashier cam dah mintak duit elok elok tau, die tak layan. Die pusing die cam, 'Pening lah'. Die cakap dengan this old couple yang i assume parents die. Die macam, ' Tadi dah cakap dah nak duduk dalam kereta' while urut-ing her head haha Die tak layan cashier tu sampai the cashier cam tekan tekan die panggil die, pun buat tak tau. Die dah cam pelik kenape dengan minah tu. Manager pun cam 'Ape masalah die?' Lepas tu die macam ' Ee ________ orang dah cakap _____' then die tendang mak cik tu dekat perut!!

Sekali makcik tu stranger! Manager terus keluar. Okay this part scary. Die cam 'Mata rase macam kene cucuk'. Then pegi kat minah ni, 'Kenapa cucuk mate orang' padahal tak! :0 Die macam nak belasah minah tu. Minah tu cam cakap sorry kot biar die puas hati. Die cam 'Saye takleh terima cara awak mintak maaf', 'Kenapa awak cucuk mata saya?', 'Mintak maaf sekarang jugak'. My mom dah pandang pandang, i cam tarik my mom. SCARY WEH. Tak pasal pasal kene pulak nanti. Then die blah. Oh and she wore like sweater pastu cheongsam blouse dekat luar. Pakai tudung lagi.

Awal awal ingatkan die mengandung ke ape sakit kepala. Cashier pun cam, 'Cik okay tak?'
Die cakap dengan orang macam kenal je


Oh i beli kipas RM5 dekar Central Market. Comel gile! haha

To-Do List

1. Study study study :(
2. Jahit sashes
3. Print invitations

Selagi bende ni tak habis, tak aman hidup

Who needs a gun when we have brass-knuckles

Weh confirm ke exam Jumaat?
___________ sial. ____! ____!
____ _____ _____ _____ ! !

Hari Guru my ass lah

Eh jap, tak berkat. SHHH

Hola Chicas

Today, i committed a sin. Which is waking up late and not studying. But it's okay. Study-debt lah haha

I didn't go to school because i woke up late in my baju kurung. Masya Allah. Penat gile lah sampai tertido. Selalu camtu

AND, i temaned my kakak pegi amik barang COD dekat Curve. Then pegi IKEA, carik barang for rumah (nanti cat rumah!) Haha makan dekat Ikea tau, Najib accidentally langgar lampu. Dah la besi. LAWAK GILE BABI! Mhmm lampu kot. Tula tinggi sangat. Amy jangan makan Appeton! :p Haha lepas tu pegi Tesco. Dekat Tesco habis 700RM! Sumpah takut gile nak tunjuk recipt kat my mum tapi my sister cakap die tak marah :)

Oh kakak i dua dua ade dekat rumah. Best hahaha nanti cat rumah (!) After waiting for 9284297 years :)

Balik pukul 7PM, damn. Buku bukak sikit je. Math and Bio. Tu pun Bio cam takleh nak absorb sangat. So should i study or tido? I usually study around this time. Tido lah. Takut esok penat.
Esok ade dentist appointment so datang sekolah waktu rehat.

Oh and sekarang sumpah stress pasal kawad. Walaupun tak pegi latihan, sebab kawad tak habis lagi rase tension gile. SERIOUS NAK HABISKAN CEPAT :/ Duduk rumah pun just knowing yang kawad wujud lagi buat rase macam tak sempat study.

Plus i hate kawad lah sekarang. It's not fun anymore. It's a waste of time.
Dulu it's all about making new friends and building friendships, 'sisterhood' haha
Sekarang hatred sini sana. The negative force and energy, so unnecessary.

Sampai i questioned myself about Melaka. Tak penah camni. I used to get so exited kalau nak buat bende PP ni. Malas gile nak pegi. But at the same time, nak pegi! Tapi i can't take it anymore. It's tiring and exhausting.

Cikgu cakap nak bawak 35 orang, okaaaay. Kasi la reserve pegi doh dorang lagi penting

PP's dinner dah dekat :D :D

Bapak i ajak pegi Hatyai! HUGA HUGA :D
Oh and trashing about someone's mother tak kisah la cikgu ke ape, that's not cool dude :0

Monday, May 11, 2009


Gile tak best SPM nanti sembilan subjects je. Kalau ade sepuluh kan best
10A1 2010

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA a girl can dream bak kata Amy :B

Amy Sofea

Hahaha shocking, kan!
Well bukan nye belajar banyak pun. Memang la belajar but that's not good enough
Seriously, i just realised exam minggu depan, kawad minggu ni!
So meaning i have less than a week to study. Minus the two days yang i'm sure i'm not going to study
Sumpah not good enough.
This will keep me motivated


Terlupe pulak pasal Sejarah hahaha :p
Tuition from 10 AM to 2PM :0
HAHA stayed at Farisha's house sampai 7?
Watched Awake, best :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I've just found out that there's a shop that sells everything(!) located so goddamn near dengan Taman Tun. THE CURVE JE. How can i not know?


Longest Word in English


This photo shows the smallest man in the world and the lady who owns the longest leg. Pingping’s height is only 2′5″ while Svetlana Pankratova owns the longest legs in the world, which stretch to 132cm (almost 4 feet).

Pick And Grab 4

Woke up around 9AM
Breakfast Mc D

Sampai hartamas lambat tapi still belum ramai orang datang. Kitorang dapat spot yang macam dulu tapi less exposed to the sunlight haha I'm very sad Soak Republic takde. Bile tengok list memang dorang tak datang pun :(

Starting bussiness cam slow gile. Around 1PM baru ade costumer. Tapi kan, once ade orang beli sume beli. Tension gile sebab banyak custom so kene buat on the spot. Risau takut dorang tunggu lame. Sumpah busy gile sebab ramai beli banyak (thank you) haha cam at the same time.

Ade Indonesian ni beli rainbow 2, pacman 2, 2 custom names :) Siap mintak card lagi, which kitorang memang bagi haha Ade orang beli heart shape ade beli rainbow cassette and banyak lagi :)

Ila bought TV badge, thank you Ila :) Ade orang datang pakai rantai yang die beli dekat kitorang :) hahahaha

Mula mula pegi survey dengan my sister, went to Lah Lah Land stall sebab ade subang cantik yang i nak beli for dinner, tapi besar sangat. We bought two earrings from another shop instead. Two for RM15, one's for Rm 9 :) Lepas tu beli pencil case RM25 kot?

Ade banyak tempat kosong :0 This time okay lah, tak ramai macam dulu.
Amy and Ila datang FYI HAHAHA So i ikut doran jalan jalan. Bought a RM5 scarf :) Amy bought a shirt and a _____, tak ingat haha Ila bought a bag, a skirt and ____ hahaha

Oh and i bought a bag too. RM10 hahaha kawan kakak i beli 5 bags :0 hahaha and ade cam bende alah ni from the same shop i bought the pencil case. Almost beli a pair of jeans tapi cam senteng. My brother bought a shirt, RM 29, a pair of preloved jeans, RM30 and a watch RM10/15. He almost beli this one RM15 shirt from this one retro guy punye stall. Haha cool gile die pasang piring hitam, English ape eh? haha

My sister bought an illustration from the same shop i bought the pencil case, cantik gile b.

My sister cakap ade one person from, JUNK mag datang beli ipod, then he/she said nak consider feature PIXEL101 dalam mag :D :D :D MAJOR THING! Plus, this one guy ade kedai dekat Rasta. Die cakap nak mintak kitorang jual barang kat kedai die sebab die nak jual accessories. MAJOR LAGI!(!) haha Tah bincang dulu.

If ade anything else i edit later hahaha X

Friday, May 8, 2009

Shut up and put your money where your mouth is

Tajuk pun muat :D

My blog is under construction
Pelik lah layout ni takle tukar fonts :( and colours, yeap dull gile
But i don't like my previous layout. Not wide enough haha
Boleh je tukar sendiri tapi malas
But i do like the fact yang post title font boleh tukar colour,
Links ade underlines, sumpah rimas
The shoes, it's very pretty tapi ketat sikit
If it fitted well, i'd be wearing it the whole time, trying it with my thrifted clothes and take pictures haih

Oh lame tak ss haha seriously

Singapore, Harper's Bazaar

Eva Longoria masuk magazine HB Singaporeeee? haha

Coco's very pretty and it's not even funny

My braces is blue and matches kain sekolah hahaha
Tadi kasut sampai, tapi ketat sikit :( sikit haha
Esok Pick and Graaaab

If You Seek Amy

Funny Britney

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Took my class picture today !

Came to school, late as usual haha 830 baru sampai. Tak sempat nak tengok Interact punye sketch.

Tadi time Chemistry, Pn Sia came to my class nak suruh turun lab haha, Dydy dengan Arina ade dalam kelas Alfa. Habis kene marah hahaha lawak gilaaaa! Cikgu cakap kat Dydy kenape die dalam kelas kitorang, Dydy cakap cikgu takde. Die cam 'Tadi saye nampak ade cikgu dalam kelas kamu' hahaha Arina pun kene die cam taktau name Arina haha Arina cakap name die Izzati la ape. Obviously, i pun kene. 'Izzati, kamu sudah lame tak masuk kelas' hahaha she knows my name :') haha marah marah marah budak lelaki datang. Farisha cam halau dorang haha sebab kalau ramai kene belajar. Die taknak belajar haha lelaki cam tak faham so dorang jalan je towards Alfa. Pastu nampak cikgu sume blah. Cikgu cam 'Kenape kamu halau mereka' hahahaha

Kitorang masuk kelas haha Cikgu ajar bab 4 btw. Macam tuition pulak, enam orang je ade. Lain pegi KH sume haha lepas habis belajar. Kitorang main conteng 'equation' dekat board.

Hahaha lawak. I wrote 3Izzati + 2Fe ---> Fe2Ti3 (FeTi)
Cikgu cam 'Feti? Fetichino?' haha lepas tu i buat

3Izzati + 2Fe ---> Fe2Ti3 (FeTi)

Fe2Ti3 = kuruskan badan. Interested? call me, 017 ______ haha tak ingat lawak gile
Siap love love lagi kan Arina

Hahahaha oh cikgu cakap, 'Izzati, i know your name is beautiful, no need to write so many' hahaha

Pukul 11 tangkap gambar. Macam __________. Not a good day to take a formal picture haha dah ah cam tak ready lagi dah nak snap. Lepas tu balik rumah. Farisha ikut sekali hahaha

Dentist App, 2PM

Sampai KL pegi Petaling Street dulu, my mom betulkan jam. I saw one plastic polka dots bag comel, 10RM tau tak haha my mom cam lain kali lah. Lepas tu cam sesat sikit haha sebab banyak jalan sehala. Lalu banyak kedai yang jual DIY stuffs, i think :D
Pegi dentist, parking penuh. So park kat Mydin. Time tengah nak park, this one stupid idiotic bastard cam hon lepas tu bukak pintu, my mom bukak tingkap, die cakap 'Cepat la sikit, orang nak keluar' padahal baru je duduk situ berape minit. Gile doh. Phycho. Tak penah jadi camtu. My mom cakap tu maybe driver je, lagi la babi. Buruk gile perangai, Malaysian can be _____ sometimes.

Lepas tu pegi Kg.Pandan amik sijil upah haji hahaha
Pegi rumah my aunt dekat Selayang. Main dengan budak budak. Ya Allah dorang tendang i haha Tak boleh lah nak balas dorang tu kecik lagi hahaha. Pastu tolak. Dah la tiga orang tolak hahaha Comel :)

I'm not having my period, yet

But i can already feel the pain

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"6 month puppy, strangled because it entered a neighbour's house and into prayer area. Story: Langkawi. Owner of dog Muslim. Neighbour Malay. Puppy gets loose and enters neighbour's house. Neighbour takes a noose and strangles dog to death. Rescuers arrive in time to bury the dog and get profanities shouted at them by puppy murderer. We need to do some justice for the dog and educate these people. We are awaiting more news about this incident - please contact me, Sherrina K, at 012 202 6384."
Today was ______
Anyhow, Amy ajak masuk masak thing yang KH tu. Agreed at first, then i changed my mind. Why? I realized, why the hell would i join something when i have no time at all to study. But then again, bende tu pagi. But still tah cam taknak penatkan diri.

No regrets. Rugi sikit la sebab bende tu cam fun tapi tah.
Tadi dalam kelas ade Syahirah, Farid, Hafiz, Hafiz, Qalil dengan i je
Usually im one of the people yang tak masuk kelas hahahaha

Tadi tangkap gamba for Hijau, Boling P, Bahasa Budaya tu je kot. Tak pegi Bola Baling
Oh plus, Pn Nurhana cakap kawad nanti pakai kasut kilat. Hell Yeah! Tapi sape nak bayar? haha

Oh plus, budak 3 Edison buat sketch, 'Charcoal Black' haha mhm "Snow White"

Awesome Rings

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



This was the filler performance while the judges trashed out the results. Sekolah Menengah Taman Tun Dr. Ismail's Cadet Corp performance was quite good, too. Set to music, the drill was punctuated with banghra, dangdut and some dance moves. Rather unique and drew applause and even laughter from the audience especially during some not-so-military moves.

- someone's blog haha



PP - Third Place
KRS, KPW, Scouts - Frist Place

KRS, KPW, Scouts pegi Kebangsaan i don't know where
KRS pegi Melaka, jugak.

We don't really care la sebab ade Belia tu haha Titiwangsa menang eeeeeee
Hahaha Jing Jang last and Cochrane second

KPW won KP terbaik, Scouts pun, KRS pun
haha dorang menang sume benda

Arrived at school around 645 AM.
Sampai je sume betulkan baju. Lepas tu check pakaian. Lepas tu terus kawad :0
Kawad okay la cume tadi barisan senget gile babi terperanjat. Tangan okay tapi bile perlahan jalan kaki lain :0 Ade one time i tak angkat kaki sebab arahan cam awal so taknak langgar kon.

Bunga orang cakap lawa. 90 gile lah memang all out. Baru bunga 1 dah pancit. Thank god time buat diamond ade rest sikit. Penaaaaaaaaat gile sebab hentak laju. Tapi takpe la. Go with the flow

Oh yaa, time check pakaian tu, ade this one chinese nyonya yang check. I met her before, at camp haha Scarryy. Die cam check each and everyone sampai terduduk. Lepas tu tengok kasut sume. Die stop kat i, dupdapdupdap haha

Tak sedih la sebab dah ade Belia. Hopefully we will win :)

Oh jumpe Saffana haha dah kurus do, eh tinggi tah hahaha die cakap i dah tinggi. Lame gile tak nampak. Hussein cam malu haha sebab he's with Iqa now and Saff is her ex hahaha comel

Panaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gile babi. Cam direct kene matahari weh
Pastu minum air kosong dengan soya. Takde ice. Takde kedai pun :(

Time bagitau results tu Athirah cam mock satu sekolah ni punye cheer/tagline wtv haha sekolah tu kat sebelah je, die tak sedar hahaha

Oh ade cheerleader, Sekolah Sri Puteri? Pakai tudung pastu pakai skirt -___-
Time tunduk cam tonggek sume laki tengok bontot, perangai macam setan. Tengok bontot sendiri la weh haha

Oh ARINA PENGSAN! Tak penah dalam sejarah haha I pun macam nak pengsan tadi tapi terpaksa tahan la. KPW Farah cakap ramai pengsan lepas kawad. MHMM PANAS GILE + PENAT

Balik sekolah nak beli, habis :( Hahaha pastu Odeng cam cakap 'haha kalah' tapi pandang tempat lain, kitorang pandang die buat bodoh hahaha damn u! :p Lepas tu gerak Makbul


Jalan dengan AMY. Borak borak borak sekali ATT datang. Fatin dengan Dydy pegi Mohsin sebab Makbul ramai. Tak pun haha time kitorang datang takde orang. BEST!

Borak pasal ____, ____ and _____ hahaha :)


Join Pilates class
Join Art/Craft Workshop
Try jahit bow sendiri haha


Monday, May 4, 2009




After school i went back to farisha's house , melepak dan gossip. So we were looking video pasal pilates and yoga. Kitorang ingat nak masuk
kelas Pilates or yoga , me ,yahi and farisha. Then we called
this place ______. Then tanye pasal etc etc , after that i asked about
the price. It's FREAKING EXPENSIVE MAN! One thousand something
-.- . Damn, baru je excited nak masuk, dengar price terus sedih :9

- Amy
Ade kasut macam Givenchy AAAA and satu lagi ni hitam cantik :D

Jeans and jackets pun lawa gilaaaa. TRF pun comel hahaha and ade jacket lawa tadi 400RM haha

Esok Kawad :0 Sumpah tak rase pape. This is my sixth time pegi kawad haha Tapi kan benci nyee naik bus maybe 45 minutes baru sampai. Bosannyeee. Left gile babi aa duduk dalam bus. Benci gile. Baik tido kat rumah

Gila sikit pagi tadi haha sikitttt
Arrived at school at 700 AM, one two, 'FUYOOO' haha
Lagi awal dari manusia lain

Kawad tadi sampai balik. Penat, lapar, panas :( haha Azira fainted pagi tadi. Ter-flashback time Natalia jatuh dulu haha sorry weh :p

Kawad was ______ as usual hahaha tadi time tengah kawad topi i terbang haha sebab berangin sangat. Topi Nisa takpayah cakap lah banyak kali gile jatuh hahaha Ra cakap kalau buat salah tuck in baju and lipat seluar macam nak pegi sawah tu hahaha If you're wondering what so bad about it, tuck in baju je bla bla bontot wehh, terserlah gile babi kalau tuck in hahaha maruah :)

Masa nak dekat balik around 130 PM kitorang main Truth or Dare hahaha Tanye worst enemy la, envy dekat sape la, penah _____ ke tak hahaha banyak la pasal t _ _ _ g pun ade hahaha lepas tu Amy cam tanye penah tak tahan gelak bile kawan jatuh sume hahahahaha Flashback lagi, this time ARINA hahaha Last year die jatuh kerusi. LAWAK GILE WEH SORRY! haha Lepas tu Amy cerita pasal orang jatuh lepas tu control macho la cat walk kat OU la hahaha siap buat actions, biase la Amy haha lepas tu flashback Athirah jatuh hahahahaha :p

As u can see, Amy is very-the-funny haha

Lepas tu kitorang tanye F3, what's their first impression bile nampak kitorang. Dorang cakap Athirah garang HAHAHAHA Arina pun garang, Fatin baik, i pendiam hahahaha Dorang cakap sape tah macam sombong hahaha Do u still think the same way about us? I bet not haha :p

Dorang cakap Athirah macam leader gang gedik which consist of us, including me haha

Lepas tu kawad lagi saaaaampai pukul 2. Penaaat, panas! Lepas tu sume nak beli milo, tapi abang tu takde :( :(

haha :)


Same tak? :)
My brother 'created' these masterpieces hahaha
Our own very original design :p

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monday, April 27

Mhm Monday, kan ade perhimpunan. This day was highlight of the week

My mom woke up late so pegi sekolah lambat. I told her i ade perhimpunan so bile sampai sekolah tengok gate dah tutup my mom ajak pegi beli newspaper.

Lepas tu pegi sekolah balik my mom gelak tengok ramai orang duduk luar sekolah haha then bile lalu nampak pengawas my mom macam, 'tunduk, tunduk' haha :)

Since perhimpunan tak habis lagi, my mom bawak pegi beli nasi lemak dekat Mobil haha
My mom tanye ni hati ape. Orang tu cakap 'tu hati lembu, hati saya kat sini', tunjuk dada haha. My mom cam oh 'hati tu dah berpunya' haha wth haha funny. Oh ade due kucing comel gile babi dekat situ.

Lepas tu pegi balik sekolah, perhimpunan tak habis lagi. My mom macam okay la jom carik kuih. So i cakap la Li May selalu beli kuat dekat Mofaz. My mom cakap my dad suke gerai tu sebab derai Kelantan, sedap + murah haha so we went there. Beli karipap, apam dengan donut haha yum 40 sen je satu

Sampai sekolah letak bag, pegi bilik tayangan. Dina cakap dorang sume pegi kawad. I didn't know sebab miss perhimpunan haha obv haha and i masuk thru gate kantin. So pegi la kawad, which i didn't know kena pakai baju PP sebab ade rehearsal Hari Sukan :@ So i pakai baju kurung lah -__- tapi tak kawad la eee haha


Saturday, May 02

Cousin's wedding, omg dah kawin siot. Lame gile tak nampak haha
Went to her wedding around 130 PM. The theme was black and white. Auntie i cakap macam orang mati haha datang, greet orang salam sana sini, makan balik hahaha sebab my family have to attend another wedding. Ramai gile orang kawin bulan ni, serious.

Then, we went to my father's friend's son's wedding hahaha dekat Bukit Teratai? Tah ape tah kitorang sesat haha sampai, makan lagi! Borak borak borak. Oh ade orang karaoke haha lagu jiwang sume. Ade one time dorang nyanyi lagu Khayalan hahahahaha lawak gile

Lepas tu, ade kawan bapak i datang borak (gossip) haha his name was Uncle Razak dengan wife die, Rem? tah lupe lah haha i think he and my dad and tuan rumah were friends back when my dad was in BPR haha

Balik Taman Tun, makan cendol :)
Kitorang masuk Belia saje saje kan. Unlike KPW dorang masuk to win. We were goddamn confident that we're going to lose. Kitorang macam dah prepared to lose la senang cakap. Sebab kitorang memang tau kitorang takkan menang, pegi pun setakat nak kawad (sape la yang suruh kitorang masuk Belia pun taktau).

Kitorang kawad, hmm okay je haha (hentak takleh laju lagi ke? @!$@!#). Plus ade yang buat salah plus tah macam macam la. KPW lawa gile babi tapi langgar kon, eh? Tah orang cakap. Tapi still ingatkan langgar kon pun still boleh menang la sebab compared to us, they were damn good, i tell u.

Of course PP happy sebab first time masuk, menang pulak tu. So obviously, bile announce tu tengah tahan jerit. Fyi, lepas keluar line, right after Wa kasi arahan sume jerit. Agak cool sebab senyap tetibe 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' hahaha

Haa, okay. Sedih la sebab imagine, orang bagus boleh kalah, kalau sekolah lain yang beat KPW pun mesti kite maki hamun kan? Ni kitorang kot. Imagine la PP ni from other school mesti cam ek elee, mesti judge bodoh la wtv. Macam tu la.

Kalah dengan kitorang kot. There must be something wrong. Kitorang tak kisah pun kalau kalah, kan? Kalah menang pun happy haha. Dorang nampak frust gile bile kalah. Rase macam ____ jugaklah.

Sorry PP bukan kite tak bagus tapi how the hell did that happened?

Oh plus, haha time kawad baru nak start i terlanggar palang. Tangan i. Ya Allah, menjerit jerit dalam hati haha

Friday, May 1, 2009

I want

a vintage luggage

+ asal banyak semut ni :@ tibe tibe je :@

Rase Macam

I'm not happy around my friends. Friends? haha

Rase pressure sangat belajar bio bodoh tu

I'm so bored

Everyday the same shit routine at school, school lah

Thanks Farisha for being my friend haha dari tadika weh

Homework tuition #@$%#$5

Lapar gile babi

Sakit gile babi

Mata pedih gile babi

Pening gile babi

I'm home, alone

Yang lain sume pegi wedding :( Nak pegi tapi sakit badan, kaki, perut, sume lah. Oh my dad pun tak pegi sebab ade orang baiki satelit. Kesian, die nak pegi

Oh, on 14 and 15 PP pegi Melaka kan. Ade mixed feelings jugak lah. No not about exams
Pasal kitorang menang tu. It's not a good thing that we won. For them

Do we blame the judges or was it karma?

Kawad Belia

We freaking won!
Semalam kaan, kitorang suruh Nadia cakap french. Interestingggg. So i tried watching french lessons videos dekat youtube. Alphabets dorang bapak susah hahaha