Saturday, October 31, 2009

The All-American Rejects

Went around 6PM haha i know right. Pegi drive thru McD dulu sebab lapar. Singgah gas station amik duit just in case ade merchandise and beli mineral water haha

Sesat sikit bile nak pegi Bukit Jalil but we managed to u-turn so last last sampai la but had to pay tol 4 times, nasib baik ade Touch n Go, Najib's own TnG haha

Hujan boleh tahan lebat, luckily i wore contact lens so nampak la jugak road signs. Sampai 730PM park dekat accross the stadium dekat highway. We thought we were late tapi AAR started around 9PM? Memang la ade local bands performed tapi malas nak dengar :p

Sampai sampai Najib pegi toilet. Toilet yang kotak yang kecik tu haha We got 2 free Digi stick (?) each haha. Cool woo, tiup pakai stick. Wander around tengok small tents sebab nak tengok dorang jual ape. CD adelah but merchandise takde :(

Yang performed were Pop Shuvit and Bunkface. One Buck Short takde, Mookie masuk hosp, get well soon! Tetibe, it started to rain. Dahlah fringe lawa gile babi tadi *ss moment pastu hujan. Kejap pulak tu, by the time dorang membebel kasi free tshirts hujan stop. Oh yea, dorang kasi soalan bodoh and baling baling tshirt. Before we started ade dance off, and this once handsome mat salleh, blondie won! Handsome! Accent die fushh. Bile tanye wether nak dorang tanye soalan lagi ke tak, sumerang boo! haha And! Ade one time, Aliff Aziz was on the big screen cakap pasal Digi and orang BOO die sebab die Singaporean haha

Bile Pop Shuvit tengah menyanyi, someone sceramed 'aku nak dengar Raihan' hahaha bodoh sial. Lame la jugak tunggu AAR, berape kali tah ulang video mix of songs, BEP, Miley, Taylor Swift, Gaga, Colbie Cailet and who else eh? Banyak kali gile ulang!

Then, came AAR! Tyson pakai the red indian head thinggy so comel! First song was Move Along! haha memang menjerit tak terkata, but sadly i had to stand behind this sweaty guy (YUCK) who kept jumping sampai langgar orang ee dahlah busuk gile, i dont know how his girlfriend could even hug him. And then there's this guy, who didnt know the words, tapi buat buat nyanyi. Freaking hilarious sebab nampak sangat die clueless haha

Banyak lagu die nyanyi. Lagu lame i taktau sangat, but there's this die hard fan, a guy, memang tau file ah lyrics. And there's a group of minah tudungs yang boleh tahan die hard tapi tak boleh beat the guy lah haha. Tetibe there's a guy who wore a costume, yang hantu dekat grave yang bawak sabit tu! haha yeah die siap pakai mask terperanjat sial, scary gile! Kawan die pakai mask jugak, siap bawak parang. Ade orang tangkap gambar dengan dorang hahaha comel

I love Tyson. He kept saying Malaysia was great and electrifying lah the best fans la ape, even if he lied, i still love it when he says that :p And tau lah Tyson, he kept making sounds and ask us to repeat after him, memang best ahh. And ade one part, die cakap, ' this is for u ladies' i screamed my lungs out! Die banyak interact dengan kitorang which was greaaaaaaaaaaat! ♥

I saw Hafiz I! hahaha and Syahirah form 3! and Yan and sape name tak ingat.

After the perform few songs, tetibe dorang tak a break without any notice, so sumerang jerit encore. Tapi sebut salah, bodoh gile. And orang start balik, lagi satu bodoh. Obv tak habis lagi, he havent sing Gives You Hell that time haha. So kitorang makin lame makin kedepan, yeahhh!

The whole time i kept screaming, best gile. Although tak tau lyrics sangat bantai aa. Tapi bile Give You Hell, It End Toningt, Dirty Little Secret memang best aa.

Okay, die cakap 'i want to tell u something dirty'. We figured, confirm lagu Dirty Little Secret, so i jerit la Dirty Little Secret, and sume pandang, it was very obvious la bengek. And omg Tyson, part dirty dirty ni so hot haha and die cam 'say dirtaayyyyh' ade orang cakap kotor haha bangang aa hahahaha

Balik, wow ramai gile siot. Overall, it was a great concert, and tak waste time la :p

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