Friday, March 19, 2010

OU Outing/ GG's Birthday

Picked Arina and Sai up and went straight to Teh Tarik Place
Jumpe Farisha Dina and Ashley. The PRETEND to "sleep" hahaha
Tunggu sejam :P Woke up late okay! Plus Arina didatangi orang curtain :P

Makan then pegi beli popcorn etc
Alice in Wonderland was awesomeeeee. Love the special effects
Toy Story 3 advertisement is so great, i cant wait to watch it!

Knwing us, sorang pun taktau nak buat lepas wayang
So we went to Cotton On

Then F21, Arina bought a hat
Then Pull & Bear

We decided to ride on the kiddie ride thing
Yang panjang tu
We had to wait for 5 minutes more or less
So kitorang ingat nak naik the ride yang sorang satu tu
Plus kitorang fikir macam tak muat je ride panjang tu
Tapi orang tu kate kitorang besar sangat :(

Guess what? Memang tak muat pun haha
Tapi main sumbat je bontot
Sume pandang, 'isnt that for kids' 'they're teenagers'
Screw you small minded people! hahaha

Lepas naik memang macam sea sick, pinggang pun sakit haha
It was a fun ride! :D

Then pegi MPH
Bace mags etc, dorang carik buku
Then lepak BOOK CAFE, kire duit etc
Then balik

Time datang tu OU tengah prepare for some event
Ingatkan event budak budak sebab ade face painting booth
Sekali St Patrick's celebration, really? Serioysly? haha

Today, my family and i celebrated Gg's 20th belated birthday
at The Garden, Curve
Kakak Najib and I gerak awal sebab nak book tempat since
tak boleh nak make reservation because it's Friday
While waiting i dengan Najib pegi MNG and Ikea
Nak beli hotdog tapi takde so beli karipap instead

Then hujaan, nasib baik tempat kitorang cam dalam sikit
Then dorang datang and we ordered our food
I ordered Fish and Chips and the signature Soda Rose

Not badd, tapi the waiters are so lembab and tah tak
faham ape dorang cakap
Kasi Gg present, POLAROID! haha tangkap gambar la ape lagi
Lepas makan, we sang birthday song pulak along with cake
cutting session haha. Dorang tak kasi plates and forks WOW haha

BEST! hahaha then someone waved at me, i think it's Amy's brother!
Hahah tah tak nampak

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