I had kawad during school
Settled everything kawad related then balik
Tumpang Arina
Sampai rumah tido for 10 minutes or less haha
Then mandi and siap
Went to OU
Dekat traffic light OU tu terjumpe kereta Farisha
kat sebelah hahaha
Then we went to GSC to purchase our ticket
Beli barang dekat Outpost
Had lunch at Teh Tarik Place
Watched Semerah Cinta Stiletto
Takde motive langsung cite tu but kelakar haha
Settle everthing dekat OutPost then balik
Rushed salin baju for Ila's party
Fetched Fatin and arrived around 8.30?
Had fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
Ate danced laughed took pictures and rode her bike
Played with her kittens and chatted with the peeps
Balik then pack barang and gerak rumah Farisha
Had a sleepover there dengan Dy Fat and Athirah
Slept around 1.20 AM?
Woke up around 4.30 AM
Got ready and went to school
Farisha's dad tak sedar ade that stupid bumper so
tak sempat break so yeah i terhantuk kuat gile dekat
bumbung kereta. Hurts like hell haha
Siapkan the squad and gerak Brickfield
The competition was held at the PPPWP building
There were twelve other schools competing
And we were the last one to go
'atas permintaan Dato' sekarang dah boleh bangga sebab
Lambat gile die announce
Tapi memang best laaa
Im gonna miss the feeling, you know, to win something
Kawad is the only thing i've ever, like, dapat first place
Go Athirah! and good job girls
Salah steps here and there but hentak memang sedap haha
Balik pegi Secret Recipe
Then balik, jalan! haha sumpah ngantuk
Sampai terus landing dekat carpet
Slept for 3 hours
Then balik and got ready for abang's birthday dinner
We had dinner at Alexis, BSC. Ramai mat salleh siot haha
Saw Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari haha
I had margherita pizza
When i ordered margherita the waited thought i was ordering
margarita cocktail HAHAHA
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